21' Heyday H20 Surf Boat

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  • 21' Heyday H20 Surf Boat: $0.00
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  • Subtotal: $0.00

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12 Passengers

Bluetooth Radio

Capacity for 12 and rear facing seats in the back ensures you wont miss a thing. With plenty of power and an abundance of water accesories to choose from, this magnifacent gunmetal grey and crimson brute is sure to please!

4 Hours - Morning - $679
4 Hours - Afternoon - $799
8 Hours - $1,149

Bimini Top

Swim Platform

Surfboard Tower

The perfect boat for an active day on the lake!
The HeyDay H20 is optimized for watersports of all kinds. Grab your whole crew and get ready for a fun packed day on the 12 seater 20' HeyDay H20. This boat is a popular choice for those with a need for speed while tubing, skiing, surfing and wakeboarding!

The 20' HeyDay H20 is a great surf boat for two families or a group of up to 12 people. This boat is outfitted with bluetooth, an upgraded stereo with subs, waketower, 2400LB Ballast, built in cooler and an extended swim platform. The Okanagan lakes have lots of room for you to cruise in.

Don't miss out on an incredible thrilling experience on the Okanagan.

Always follow safe operation practices when behind the wheel, and of course, never operate while intoxicated.
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